We are THE Low-cost, High Impact Marketing Solution!
Most small businesses have a limited marketing budget.
Our marketing platform provides a comprehensive and inexpensive solution.
Our Adventure Partners have greater visibility, which leads to increased growth and sales.
And here is how we do it:
√ Drive traffic to your door year round with Adventures specifically designed to fit the needs of your business.
√ Save you Money! by providing tools at NO COST including an app and online scavenger hunts!
√ Save you even MORE MONEY by providing 52+ weekly ads (compare to Val*Pak/Hometown Values).
√ Save you TIME by maximizing the impact of every minute spent on marketing.
√ Help YOU become the trusted expert in your community with content marketing (compare to local magazines).
√ Introduce you to new customers - new move-ins, growing families, and new community members.
√ Shrink lead time to acquire new clients by getting you in front of people repeatedly over a short period of time.
√ Keep you in front of people so that when they need what you offer, you are the first one that comes to mind.
√ Put YOU in control by providing 24/7 access to post in the Facebook communities to an audience of thousands.
√ Massive Exposure via the Facebook group and Targeted Exposure via events, texting, and surveys.
√ Consolidate your marketing efforts with multiple marketing platforms for one value-packed investment.
√ Provide social media marketing that doesn't rely on algorithms.
√ Announce your free events to an extensive and attentive audience in your target market.
√ Provide unlimited content marketing in the Facebook community to educate about your industry.
√ Create a loyal customer base with unlimited relationship marketing on multiple media platforms.
√ 3 separate Lead Generation systems.
√ The Summer Passport Program supports families and increases awareness.
√ Support branding efforts with association marketing through sponsorships of high profile programs and causes.
√ Provide multiple marketing tools - scheduling, surveys, on-line meeting room, and more.
√ Include you in technology programs that may be out of your budget like bulk texting, bots and other AI tools.
√ Provide fun tools like scavenger hunts, text to win giveaways, opt-in kiosks and more.
√ Whiteboard animation, videoclip marketing and other marketing programs.
√ Provide a 'Family Vacation Giveaway' for you to give as yours.
√ Invite you to join us for community booths, parades, and conferences.
√ 'Where's Wattson?' can take our Adventure Partners where no one else can go!
√ Provide Business to Business Networking both locally and nationally.
√ Provide Training Opportunities- 10X Marketing, EntreLeadership, etc.
√ Provide Marketing Coaching and Mentoring.
√ Provide Real Savings on business expenses, including wholesale pricing on web design and hosting services.
TOTAL VALUE: $50,000+
Spend LESS, but Reach MORE
Ready for a Marketing Plan
that saves you TIME and MONEY?

Information about the valuable
community network you'll be connecting to!