Volunteer at a nonprofit with a group of two or more. Need help finding a place to volunteer? Check out JustServe.org or Volunteer Match to find up-to-date volunteer opportunities. What needs to be included in your video is the following: Suggested video lengths should be approximately 2 minutes. Save your video in a .MOV or .MP4 format. Sign up at superservicechallenge.com/signup. What is needed to sign up? Click here. After sign up is complete you can upload your video. What's needed to upload? You will complete the following information: Share your video link from the Super Service Challenge with your contacts via email and social media challenges requesting individuals to register and vote for your video.Once your video receives 50 votes, each vote equals $1 up to $50,000 for the nonprofit you served.Donations earned through votes are paid out after the quarter following the end of your campaign. TIP: Be sure to share your link in your local My Discovery Destination! Facebook group and let us help you get the 'likes' you need to earn money for the non-profit. This selfie gets a little funky . . . Take a selfie of your family 'taking a selfie of yourselves serving' and post it to your social media sites with the hashtags #SuperServiceChallenge, #JustServe, and a hashtag for the organization you are serving.
Family Adventure
Leverage your service efforts by participating in the Super Service Challenge and helping to raise funding for your favorite charities without spending a dime!
Take time to learn how the Super Service Challenge works so that you can leverage your volunteer efforts in the future.
Acknowledge the extra effort that went into creating the video for the organization
Provide specific positive feedback on the video itself such as "I love your enthusiasm" or "You are really good at capturing a visual representation of what the project was about."
Help them get the likes and attention they need for the video to have an impact by sharing on your social media sites
When the money is received by the organization arrange with them to have a special recognition or 'Thank You' event with the child to acknowledge their work.
Ask the organization to let the child know what the money will be used for and how it will impact them accomplishing their mission.
Serve and Win, Join the Challenge
The Super Service Challenge shares inspiring acts of service and donates to the nonprofits served. This is such an easy way to increase the impact of the various service you are already doing.
For this Adventure take some time to help your family become familiar with the Super Service Challenge and how it works so that you can see how easy it is and leverage your volunteer efforts throughout the year. Go over the requirements, and maybe even practice taking a video and going through the process of uploading it. Of course- to do that you'll want to be doing an actual volunteer activity. Something as simple as making a blanket for making a hygiene kit for the homeless shelter will do!
Step #1: Find Your Passion
Step #2: Make a Video
Step #3: Upload your Video
Step #4: Earn Big Bucks for your nonprofit!
Still have questions?
Check out their Frequently Asked Questions or Visit the Website.
Pre-K Adventure
Start teaching little ones the joy of service from the very beginning and they will reap the benefits throughout their whole life!
There are many ways to involve little ones in service. Things as simple as letting them help bake cookies and deliver to a neighbor, letting them use their own little shovel to 'help' clear snow, or having them draw a picture for someone they love. These simple acts will set the foundation to reap a lifetime of JOY.
Of course, the most important thing you can do for your kids of ALL ages is to set an example of service. Trust me- they WILL thank you later.
Community Engagement Adventure
Get the whole community involved in your Super Service project! Share this information with 3-5 of your friends and work together to raise money for a favorite non-profit!
Teen Adventure
Teens have so much to offer! Help your teens identify the causes they care about, special skills that they have or would like to develop, and ways that they can bring their skills and passions together to make a positive difference in their community.
Photo Location
by Super Service Challenge
The Super Service Challenge shares inspiring acts of service
and donates to the nonprofits served.
Drew Brees
Brees Dream Foundation
Advocate and Spokesperson