Healthy, strong family relationships are foundational to young people’s growth, learning, and well-being.


These relationships build strong social and emotional strengths that kids use throughout their lives.


But great family relationships don’t just happen..


Welcome to My Discovery Destination!

Discovery Family Adventures

where your family can find plenty of opportunities to


The Discovery Family Adventures provide ideas, activities, and experiences to help build strong family relationships.


Our goal is to strengthen family relationships to help kids be and become their best selves

and to support parents in raising happy, successful, resilient kids in an exciting,

but sometimes turbulent and dangerous world.

Core Adventures are still available via the website for use by anyone that wants them, but everyone is encouraged to use the Discovery Hunt (Goosechase) App for hundreds of adventures throughout the year.


Get links for downloading the App HERE.

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Choose from the Adventures listed below


(or design your own family adventure!)


or BOTH!?!

Family Adventure


GOAL:  Use current events and happenings that are important to different members of your family to bring everyone together.  Help your family learn to support each other, even when you have different interests.



THE ADVENTURE:  If anyone in your family is a football fan, work together to plan a Super Bowl party that everyone can enjoy. If you aren't a Super Bowl family, take advantage of this national event and plan a SOUPer Bowl Party to fight hunger.





   Whether you choose a Super Bowl party or a Souper Bowl project, there will be natural rewards that come from this Adventure just by being a part of it. All you need to as a parent is help make sure that everyone stays positive and supportive so it can be a rewarding experience for everyone.


  Be sure to let everyone play a role in the planning. Show excitement and acceptance of each family members contribution. Even if an idea doesn't make it into the final plans, recognize the creativity, the uniqueness . . . even just the fact that they are participating. Recognize whatever you can to build them up and help them feel a part of the process


   If you are having a Super Bowl Party let each member of the family choose a favorite snack for the big game.



  If you are having a SOUPer Bowl party let each member of the family choose a favorite food to include in the food box you put together.





Here are some things to keep in mind for your Super Bowl Party:



   Keep in mind that different members of the family may enjoy different parts of the day. Some may be interested in the game, others the half-time entertainment, others the commercials, and some may just be there for the food! This is a GREAT opportunity to help your family learn to appreciate differences and show respect for each other. Remind everyone to be sure they do not interfere with the part of the day other family members are enjoying.



   Super bowl commercials have a reputation for being  some of the best commercials of the year. They provide a GREAT opportunity for your family to share opinions and ideas. Help family members learn to share differing opinions with respect.



  Holding a SOUPer Bowl Party to fight hunger has become a popular event held in conjunction with the Super Bowl. The SOUPer Bowl of Caring utilizes Super Bowl weekend in America to mobilize young people and families to combat hunger and poverty in their local communities. It's vision is to transform the Big Game into America's largest youth-led time of giving and serving.


  You can participate by gathering food donations at your Super Bowl party or separately and donating it to the local food pantry or a family in need. You can also find a local SOUPer Bowl project in your area and contribute there.


  Of course, if you miss having a SOUPer Bowl Party on Super Bowl weekend, you can always schedule one later in the month!




   Ready for a little Super Bowl Challenge?  Get kids involved in game-watching activities by inviting them to work out alongside the athletes.


Play this game for a healthy night of fun!


When you see this… Do this
Touchdown 25 jumping jacks
Famous actor in commercial 10 dips on chair or sofa
Field goal 20 reverse crunches
Beer commercial 10 push-ups
First down 20 bicycle crunches
4th-down conversion 30-second faux jump rope
Extra point 10 bridges
Personal foul 10 walking lunges
Onside kick 50 crunches
Run play of 20+ yards 30-second jog in place
Rock star on stage Chicken dance
Pass play of 20+ yards 10 push-ups
Timeout 25 squats
Interception 10 burpees
Fumble 10 dips on chair or sofa
Offsides 30-second high-knee jog
2-point conversion The Macarena
Delay of game 15 back extensions (Superman)
Reverse Run up and down the stairs
Double reverse 10 single leg squats
Kick returned for touchdown 45-second wall sit
Sack 60-second plank
Safety 20 push-ups




by Super Bowl or SOUPer Bowl

NOTE: If the Adventures don't show up find them at

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Discovery Family Program How-To Visual


My Discovery Destination! Adventures

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