This 3-minute Adventure will help you set-up your Adventure Photo Journal and be ready for full participation in the program! Complete these 2 simple steps: You can find the closest community to you HERE. Click HERE to find the app or text 'MyDD' to 471-77 This simple step will do three important things: It will provide you with a My Discovery Destination! digital membership card: It will also set-up your Adventure Photo Journal. As you complete Adventures it will create a visual record of your family adventures And . . . It will track your points! (Look in the upper left corner of the picture under 'Welcome, Kadence!' to see the points being tracked) **NOTE** If you don't see an orange button at the end of an Adventure you are not logged in. You must be logged in to record completion of your Adventures and log your points. You can log in at You will also find an orange 'Login' button at the bottom of every page on the website. ================================= This will very likely be the very first picture in your Adventure Photo Journal. We recommend that you upload a family 'selfie' to kick things off. The mission of My Discovery Destination! and the Family Discovery program is to STRENGTHEN FAMILIES and BUILD CHARACTER through providing opportunities for families to enjoy FREE family experiences so they can build strong bonds and CREATE and CAPTURE memories.
Family Adventure
Get Your Adventure Photo Journal Set-up
Complete the following steps to set-up your Photo Adventure Journal
1) Connect to your My Discovery Destination! Facebook Community AND the app.
2) Register as a My Discovery Destination! family (Totally FREE!).
That's it! Let the FUN Begin!!
Have a GREAT time with your family.
As you spend quality time with your family, you also earn points for prizes and rewards.
If you have any questions you can always contact us at Wattson@MyDiscoveryDestination.comPhoto Location
by Photo Journal