
Thank You for your interest in being a My Discovery Destination! school.

By registering, your school or PTA/PTO will be eligible to receive donations from the My Discovery Destination! program in your area, along with many other benefits. You will have a My Discovery Destination! team member assigned to help you.

A team member will contact you soon to show you ways to benefit from the various programs we offer and how to utilize all of the tools and resources that are available to you. You can also search for, and join, the My Discovery Destination! Schools group on Facebook for immediate access to everything you need.

You can always contact us at Wattson@MyDiscoveryDestination.com.

Registration_ Schools
Registering as a: *
Are you on Facebook? *
If you are on Facebook please search for and join the group My Discovery Destination! Schools.
What are your preferred methods of communication? *
Your Mailing Address (We love sending our school contacts little surprises from time to time, so if you are comfortable giving us an address where we can mail it please do so. However, it is totally optional!)
Address of School *
Address of School
Logo (school or PTA) *

Maximum file size: 268.44MB

Main Areas of Interest *
For the 2020-2021 school start are your students


