Healthy, strong family relationships are foundational to young people’s growth, learning, and well-being.


These relationships build strong social and emotional strengths that kids use throughout their lives.


But great family relationships don’t just happen..


Welcome to My Discovery Destination!

Discovery Family Adventures

where your family can find plenty of opportunities to


The Discovery Family Adventures provide ideas, activities, and experiences to help build strong family relationships.


Our goal is to strengthen family relationships to help kids be and become their best selves

and to support parents in raising happy, successful, resilient kids in an exciting,

but sometimes turbulent and dangerous world.

Core Adventures are still available via the website for use by anyone that wants them, but everyone is encouraged to use the Discovery Hunt (Goosechase) App for hundreds of adventures throughout the year.


Get links for downloading the App HERE.

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Choose from the Adventures listed below


(or design your own family adventure!)



Family Adventure



Set your family up for success!
Make a plan for how you will use the Discovery Family program to bring your family closer together.




Review the following information and set goals for your family to use the Discovery Family program to strengthen your family this year.





  Let each family member be involved in determining the goals and choosing the adventures.


  You may want to provide rewards for participation i.e.  an extra 1/2 hour before bedtime, an extra 10 minutes of screen time, favorite dessert, etc.


  Show family members you were paying attention to their goals by remembering them and supporting them as they work towards them. Acknowledge when they do things that will help them reach their goals, i.e. "Great job on ___, that will really help you move toward your goal of ____." Avoid pointing out things that will keep them from their goals as that turns the goal setting experience into a punishment. You may be able to, in the right situation, say something like, "Have you considered which of these choices would move you closer to your goals and which ones would move you further away?" Ensure it is said with love rather than judgment, and that the child will accept it as such. If there is any chance that the child will interpret your comment as a punishment, better to leave it left unsaid. There will be other times and ways to address the issue.



My Discovery Destination! and the Discovery Family program is all about




The intention of this program is to help families discover their uniqueness, build character and resilience in kids, develop life skills, learn to serve others, and become contributing citizens and positive influences in their communities.


It is designed to be personalized and customized to each family as a whole and to each individual family member.  The various 'Adventures' are designed to bring families together and to foster healthy relationships within the family, facilitating healthy family bonding through fun Adventures that involve service and learning activities. In addition, the Adventures are intentionally designed to encourage both group and individual exploration of personal interests and talents that can lead to personal growth and development, and to encourage family support for each family member as they pursue their dreams.


The Discovery Family program will assist parents as they help each family member to recognize how they are already growing and where they would like to improve, to discover and develop their unique interests and talents, and to identify personal goals that will help them become the very best version of themselves.


So-- where do you start?


   Set Goals!  Utilize Wattson's Goal Chart to identify where your family is starting, and where you would like go with this program.


   Share Your Goals!  Give each family member a chance to share their goals. Discuss the Discovery Activity as a family, and possibly with each child individually to learn more about their goals and how you as a family can support each other as you work towards reaching those goals.  Help your children recognize the strengths they already have within themselves to achieve their dreams.


Parents~ remember that  as you show by your example how to develop in a balanced way and continue to learn and grow it will be easier for your children. Be a part of the process! Set your own goals and make your own plans for growth. Be sure to find opportunities to share your experiences with your children.


Create a family plan to support one another. This may include tailoring the weekly 'Adventures' around the goals of a family member, or planning a completely separate 'Adventure' for your family that will support a family goal, or an individual goal of one of your family members.  You will want to set up regular times to share what you are learning together, and having meaningful discussions about your goals.


  Recognize and Praise Progress!  Look for opportunities to  recognize and praise the efforts of family members. Let them learn from their mistakes. Use these experiences to help them learn how to solve problems and adjust expectations. Focus on the positive, and highlight the joy of overcoming obstacles and accomplishing goals. Private recognition is one of the most powerful ways to motivate and inspire.


Remember to

Have fun!!



Pre-K Adventure

Even your youngest Adventurers can be included in the process of setting goals. Help them feel included by asking them what kinds of things they would like to do and then finding the Adventures that match.


It won't take much to help them feel included, but it's important to do it!



Community Engagement Adventure

Share the fun with your community and this will be even more FUN and EFFECTIVE! Whether you choose to share via social media profiles, email, text, a flyer or word of mouth-- help spread the word. Here are some easy ways people in your community can get connected:


Text 'family' to 888-403-4140


Join your local Discover Family Fun Facebook community (DiscoverFamily.Fun)


Connect to the Adventures:

Download the Goosechase App

Search for code 'Adventures'




Teen Adventure

This is a great opportunity to teach teens about goal setting. Be sure you include them in the discussion, and really listen to what they say!


You may want to encourage them to do some research on goal setting and then share it with the rest of the family. Some suggestions for topics they could research are:


SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound). See the 'Grit is Grown Outside the Comfort Zone' Adventure for details.


The importance of writing goals down


How often to review goals, and is there ever a time to just change them?







Photo Location

Take a photo of your family writing down or drawing your goals, holding your goal sheets, or doing something to help you reach your goals.

by Setting Goals

The mission of My Discovery Destination! and the Family Discovery program is to STRENGTHEN FAMILIES and BUILD RESILIENCE to PREVENT RISKY BEHAVIOR, including suicide. We do this through providing opportunities for families to enjoy FREE family experiences so they can build strong bonds and CREATE and CAPTURE memories.

NOTE: If the Adventures don't show up find them at

Not sure how the Discovery Family Program works?



Discovery Family Program How-To Visual


My Discovery Destination! Adventures

Sponsored by My Discovery Destination! and  local businesses and organizations in your community

for the purpose of


Send an email to if you would like to learn how we can bring a wide variety of FUN and educational LIVE EVENTS to your community!