🚸 DRIVERS: When you’re driving watch for, and make eye contact with, pedestrians. 🚸 PEDESTRIANS: BE SEEN!! Watch this short video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QfN0GiZ1qo4 Take a picture of you and your family practicing pedestrian safety.
Family Adventure
Keep family members safe as pedestrians through education about safe practices.
Review the information below together as a family and help each family member know how to keep themselves safe when walking and crossing the street.
Let kids choose a route to take when you go on a walk to 'practice' the concepts learned in this Adventure.
Notice when family members implement the things learned in this Adventure and thank them for being careful. Let them know how much you care about them and their safety.
If you don't already have something, you may want to give each family member a special vest or night light they can carry with them to use in case they find themselves walking in the dark in dark clothing.
Everyone walks. Work, shop or play, your journey always begins and ends on foot.
Even a single pedestrian fatality is too many. When pedestrians and drivers work together, we can avoid pedestrian accidents. For this Adventure take some time as a family to discuss pedestrian safety and learn safety tips as both pedestrians and drivers.
In a nutshell, BE ALERT!
Here are some additional tips:
🚸 Cross in marked crosswalks, street corners and intersections only.
🚸 Look left, right and behind before crossing a driveway or road
🚸 Avoid walking on the road. Use sidewalks and paths to keep you away from traffic, and stay on the shoulder if no path is available.
🚸 Walk facing the direction of traffic.
🚸 Don't wear headphones or distracting headgear.
🚸 Use lights, reflective gear or bright clothing and be alert for high speed vehicles.
🚸 Make eye contact with motorists when turning.
Pre-K Adventure
Even the youngest Adventurers need to learn and develop this important safety habit. Take a walk with your little ones and let them practice 'Seeing the Eyes'. You may even want to have one parent be in the car for this 'practice' walk and show up at various corners so the child can practice. Have the parent 'not' see the child on occasion so the child can learn the concept of waiting to proceed until they KNOW the driver has seen them. Even if they have to wait a little longer, they need to know NOT to walk into the street until they KNOW they've been seen.
Community Engagement Adventure
This is an important Adventure to take to the community and help spread the word. Here are some ideas to share this information with others you love to create a safe, AWARE community:
Share the video link on your social media sites.
Create your own poster to promote the 'MAKE EYE CONTACT' message.
Each member of the family can share the information in person with at least 3 friends
What ideas can your family come up with to spread the message?
Teen Adventure
Teens are in the perfect position to head up a 'Pedestrian Safety' campaign. Join with a few friends to use the ideas in the Community Engagement Level to educate other students at your school and/or families in your neighborhood. You could save a life, and it might be the life of someone you love!
Photo Location
by See the Eyes