Healthy, strong family relationships are foundational to young people’s growth, learning, and well-being.


These relationships build strong social and emotional strengths that kids use throughout their lives.


But great family relationships don’t just happen..


Welcome to My Discovery Destination!

Discovery Family Adventures

where your family can find plenty of opportunities to


The Discovery Family Adventures provide ideas, activities, and experiences to help build strong family relationships.


Our goal is to strengthen family relationships to help kids be and become their best selves

and to support parents in raising happy, successful, resilient kids in an exciting,

but sometimes turbulent and dangerous world.

Core Adventures are still available via the website for use by anyone that wants them, but everyone is encouraged to use the Discovery Hunt (Goosechase) App for hundreds of adventures throughout the year.


Get links for downloading the App HERE.

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Choose from the Adventures listed below


(or design your own family adventure!)


Get Started!

Family Adventure


Welcome to the Discovery Family program!!



Learn the What, Why and How of the Discovery Family Program and how it can strengthen your family and help you raise resilient kids.




Review the following information and discuss how this program can strengthen your family and help you all build character and learn new skills



What is the purpose of the Discovery Family Adventures?

To provide families with fun, FREE (or low cost!) ways to spend quality time together on a regular basis and discover their own unique style.







Every prevention program you look at will tell you that the #1 factor for prevention is close family ties and strong familial bonds. Whether it's preventing under-age drinking, substance abuse, teen pregnancy or suicide prevention, they all have one factor in common- youth need their parents, and they need a place where they truly feel they belong!


Parents, your kids need YOU! And YOU need them!


Especially in this day and age of social media and technology (which I absolutely LOVE, by they way!), families need to take time to get back to the basics and spend time the old fashioned way-- playing games, cooking meals and eating dinner together, working together and playing together, exploring new talents, and living life OFF the cellphones and social media from time to time.


We think a great way to encourage families to spend quality time together is to


    Make it easy!!


     Eliminate barriers


   Provide bonuses, coupons, savings, and other benefits and rewards for families that reward parents for making the effort to be intentional in their family relationships and making sure they are spending time together.






With the Discovery Family program, we will provide plenty of  'Adventures' for families to enjoy together all year long through every season. If you need ideas of things to do together as a family you will be able to come here for ideas. The 'Adventures' will be flexible enough that you can incorporate your family style into them, and yet specific enough that you will be able to complete them without a lot of effort, research, and digging on your part.


Each Adventure contains creative ideas and suggestions to help you play and enjoy fun family time together. The adventures aim to strengthen your relationships with each other, increase family bonding, and provide opportunities to develop and grow life skills together.

Each Adventure contains a section that shares the focus of the Adventure and some activity ideas. You don’t need to read the adventure aloud as a family; it’s just information for Parents to ponder and consider how to use the information to help your family. Then, discussing together as a family, determine the best way to implement the Adventure in a way that best meets your family's needs.

Each Adventure is appropriate for a wide range of abilities, age ranges and family dynamics. Feel free to choose the activities that appeal most to your family, adapt them as needed to fit your family’s needs and even add some of your own! Some Adventures will only take a few minutes, other Adventures will take an hour or so, while some Adventures could be ongoing over several weeks or even months.


The Adventures are intended to promote youth adult relationships and help youth build confidence and leadership skills while having a fun time together. You can encourage children’s growth by allowing them to select, lead, and discuss activities with appropriate parental support.


By focusing on strengthening relationships as a family and developing life skills through fun interactions with your kids, they will learn skills that will help them become caring, competent, and contributing members of society.

As you complete the 'Adventures' you will earn points that can be redeemed for prizes and incentives -- small rewards throughout the year, and BIG REWARDS as the year comes to a close for families that have retained Discovery Family Status! Each Adventure let's you earn up to 4 points ~ 1 point for the Basic, PreK and Teen Adventure and 3 points for the SuperACHEIVER/Summer of Service Adventure. You can earn the points as a family. Each child can also earn points individually.





What can you expect from us?



   Plenty of 'general' Adventures to give you ideas of things to do as a family any time you need one.


   A New 'Adventure'  each week to complete for points to stay qualified for winning the BIG prizes that will come at the end of the year.


   A fun Adventure Photo Journal to record your family's journey.





What are the Benefits?   In other words-- why do it?


Most Importantly:


   spending time together is a great idea and will strengthen your family


   Playing as a family is not just fun but also an investment in your child’s development and the strength of your family’s relationship. Research has shown that children who spend time with their family have:

               ❏  Fewer behavioral problems

               ❏  Less substance abuse and delinquency

               ❏  Better academic outcomes

               ❏  And report feeling happier and more fulfilled

               ❏  Research demonstrates that play is a vital aspect to developing healthy relationships.



Besides the obvious benefits above, there are some other good reasons to participate in the Discovery Family Program:



   Prizes and rewards all through the year as you complete different Adventures. There may not be a reward with every Adventure in your area, but when there is a reward you will want to be sure you get it!


   Be eligible to win GREAT family prizes at the end of the year, including family vacations, free and discounted family outings, and Discovery Family ONLY events at some of your favorite locations, and with some of your favorite people. Some of our communities have Family Reward Nights EVERY. SINGLE. MONTH!  These will be FUN, FREE family experiences you won't want to miss!


   The AWESOME Adventure Photo Journal that will automatically generate as you report completion of your projects will be an invaluable family heirloom that will CAPTURE the memories you CREATE, and be cherished by the whole family for years to come!





Ready to get started?



 The next 'Adventure' will help you get set-up and ready to go, and will teach you all about how to record your Adventures so you get your points!





Photo Location

Take a picture of your family to kick off your Discovery Family adventure and upload it to your social media sites with the hashtag #DiscoveryFamily and #MyDiscoveryDestination

by Intro & How-To

The mission of My Discovery Destination! and the Family Discovery program is to STRENGTHEN FAMILIES and BUILD CHARACTER through providing opportunities for families to enjoy FREE family experiences so they can build strong bonds and CREATE and CAPTURE memories.

NOTE: If the Adventures don't show up find them at

Not sure how the Discovery Family Program works?



Discovery Family Program How-To Visual


My Discovery Destination! Adventures

Sponsored by My Discovery Destination! and  local businesses and organizations in your community

for the purpose of


Send an email to if you would like to learn how we can bring a wide variety of FUN and educational LIVE EVENTS to your community!