RE: Your Halloween Family Gif from My Discovery Destination!
Happy Halloween from My Discovery Destination! We hope you enjoy your fun family Halloween gif that you took at the Young Automotive Trunk or Treat! It's a great way to send a personalized Halloween greeting to your friends and family. To make things even better, you can win amazing prizes, including a FREE Family Vacation!


Here are things you can do to win:


√  Post the image on your Facebook and/or Instagram profile and ask your friends to like, comment, and share it to help you win the contest!


√  Share it to your friends' Facebook pages to wish them a Happy Halloween!


The software we have automatically tracks the views of each picture (see below), and the more you share it the more views it will get.


Here are some additional things you need to know-- and ways to earn BONUS points:


√   Winners MUST be a member of their local My Discovery Destination! group. For you, that is the Brigham City group. Be sure to join at


√    10 BONUS POINTS for leaving a Review about your halloween pic experience or the My Discovery Destination! program in general at (If you've left a review in the past you automatically get these points)


√    15 BONUS POINTS for registering as a My Discovery Destination! family at and be qualified to participate in all of our programs and earn prizes and family fun all year long. (If you are already registered you automatically get these points)


√    25 BONUS POINTS for setting up your Adventure Photo Journal at to create a visual history of the family fun your family has this year. (If you've already set-up your Adventure Photo Journal you automatically get these points)


√    BONUS POINTS for adding your pic to the 'Halloween Picture' thread in the Brigham City Facebook group.  You will get 1 BONUS point for every 'Like' or comment on your picture.  THIS WILL ALSO BE THE TIEBREAKER if necessary.


√    You can also use this same picture to earn points towards the FREE Utah Jazz tickets by completing the 'Halloween Pics' Adventure in the Discovery Family program at


Watch for details in the group about the specifics of the FREE Family Vacation Giveaway, including the different locations you can choose for your FREE Family Vacation if you win, including Vegas, the Bahamas, or a variety of other options.


Thanks for being a part of My Discovery Destination! We are here to encourage you to connect with your family and community so we all grow. We wish you a Happy Halloween, and we’ll see you again soon!

Check out who was in the lead last night -- but this can change in a heartbeat, and it already has! All of those BONUS POINTS can change things as well~



Sharilee Griffiths, Executive Director

My Discovery Destination!


Helping Families CREATE and CAPTURE Memories

Inspire people to do the things that inspire them and together we can change our world~