Following are answers to some of the most common questions we have received.
If your question is not answered here, please send it to Wattson@MyDiscoveryDestination.com
What is My Discovery Destination! ?
This is a collaboration of family-oriented businesses that believe in community. They work together to offer a wide variety of free activities for families in their community. It provides opportunities for families to CREATE and CAPTURE memories.
My Discovery Destination! is all about STRENGTHENING families, building CHARACTER, and IMPROVING lives.
Who is the program for?
The program's target audience is families with children who are preschoolers to teenagers. It's also a great way for grandparents to get involved with their grandchildren. Everyone in the community is invited to participate.
How much does it cost?
My Discovery Destination! Adventures are all 100% FREE!
No gimmicks, no hidden pressure to buy. Adventure Partners may tell you about classes, events, or summer camps that will be happening in the future, and they may even offer you special discounts as a 'Thank You' for coming to the Adventure, but the Adventure itself is always FREE.
I don't like posting pictures of my kids on social media. Can I still participate?
YES! To complete each adventure you will need to take a picture in a location specified by the Adventure Partner. However, if you do not want your child’s picture posted on social media there are many options. Here are some ideas:
√ Take the picture of the child's feet or shoes or take the picture from the back so that the child cannot be identified. You can find lots more ideas at http://mydiscoverydestination.com/discovery/adv/3225/
√ You can also opt to take a picture of the business logo or whatever location or item is specified without your child in it.
Who sees what I post?
Anyone in the MY DISCOVERY DESTINATION! facebook group can see what you post in the group. You can manage who can see what you post on your personal social media sites in the settings area.
Why do I hashtag businesses?
We want you to hashtag your pictures for several reasons, including:
√ So that the businesses that support this program are being recognized in the community,
√ So that Adventure Partners can see that families are benefitting from the program and their support is making a difference,
√ To help spread the word about the My Discovery Destination! so that other families can enjoy the benefits as well, and
√ To create fun and excitement in the group.
The hashtags are an important part of the program.
THANK YOU for helping to make this possible.
How many Adventures do the kids have to complete to win prizes?
You can do as many or as few of the Adventures as you want! The number you do is up to you. The best thing about this program is that it is designed to cater to your needs or situation. Our goal is to provide you with resources, information, and ample opportunities to CREATE and CAPTURE memories. We encourage you to participate in as many, or as few, as your family is able to.
Do I have to be a PTA member to participate?
No! My Discovery Destination! is thrilled to be a Come PLAY with PTA partner, and supporting education and local PTA units is one of our focus points. We also love working with, and supporting homeschool families, foster families, grandparents, and other groups that love and advocate for children. We want everyone to benefit from this collaboration!
How do I track what Adventures we have completed?
We are so excited to announce that for Summer 2019 we are working on a new method to be able to track which Adventures you complete. We will release details as soon as we have them!
Why do we need to track the Adventures?
There are several reasons you will want to track the Adventures your children complete:
√ PRIZES!! We will have prizes for children who participate in the program, and the more Adventures they complete, the more 'Awesome' the prize will be! Each community will be a little different, so stay connected to your local Facebook community to get details on the prizes in your area.
√ In order for us to keep the Adventures available to families we need to have Adventure Partners. In order to secure Adventure Partners we need to be able to show them that the program is being used and is making a positive difference for participating families.
THANK YOU for helping us show our Adventure Partners how much we appreciate them by supporting their businesses when you are in need of the products and services they offer, by thanking them in person when you stop by, and by giving them some 'love' in the Facebook community and with the selfies and hashtags!
What is the difference between 'Home-based', 'Out & About', and 'Event'?
These are different categories for our Adventures. 'Event' Adventures can only be done on a specific date and time (posted on the Adventure Page, on the local calendar, and in the local facebook group).
The 'Out & About' Adventures must be completed at a specific location, but can be done on the schedule of the participating family. Many of the Out & About Adventures will take you out and about in the community.
Home-based Adventures can be completed at home.
We have a couple of other types of Adventures that you may come across: School based Adventures can be completed at school during the Fall or Winter Sessions, OR they are Adventures that focus on developing a skill that will help kids be successful at school. Online Adventures will require you to go online at some point to complete the Adventure (besides the social media portion).
Many Adventures will fit into more than one category.
Do I need to reserve a space for the scheduled Adventures?
For most of the 'Event' Adventures there will be a registration form or 'Doodle' sign-up. This will let the Adventure Partner and the My Discovery Destination! team know the potential number of attendees for the activity so they can be sure to have enough space, materials, food and prizes.
Some of the Event Adventures have limited space and will require that you register to reserve your spot. Please stay tuned in your local Facebook community for details about each Adventure.
Can I start in the middle of a session?
Yes! Families can start at anytime during the session. Make this work for your family! Pick the activities that work best with your schedule and time. We hope that you will take advantage of as many of the Adventures as possible, and support our Adventure Partners as much as possible as well, both during their official Adventure and at other times. However, the program is here to help families spend quality time together with each other. The most important thing is that you do what works for YOUR family!
Now it's time to get out and