Here are a Few of our Favorite Results!





"More than 1/2 of the kids in my sons class learned about the classes through the Summer Passport Program last year. They have all become avid climbers." ~Rebeccah M.


The Cache Airfest provides a visual of the powerful reach our communities provide. We reached 9,200+ people about the Cache AirFest in the first 7 days after posting it,

even though it was announced 4 months in advance of the event.




This visual is straight from facebook stats. It shows real power to reach large numbers!

Gigi's 110 slots for cupcake decorating filled up in just over 1 hour!

This actually led to families reporting that they were checking the facebook group every hour to make sure they didn't miss anything. We have since changed our processes to better SUPPORT families and not turn them into social media addicts. We want parents to check the group once a day-- get on and see what's new, then get OFF and go be with family!


√ 800+ kids showed up over a 1-week period for an Out & About Adventure. √ Summer Camps were completely sold out by the end of the first day. √ Many of the kids became repeat customers over the summer and even during the school year.

√ Over 100 kids attended the Magic Show √ Almost 200 kids attended the Princess Party √ 76 kids attended the various fire station tours √ Approximately 100 kids attended the bank tours

One Adventure Partner reported an increase of over 1,000 followers to his social media accounts, most of which he could directly tie back to My Discovery Destination! marketing