Have you ever wanted to spend the same dollar twice?



Choose any of the options below and you can have the best family reunions, birthday celebrations, graduations, holiday shopping and more

AND support prevention efforts with the same dollar!


Neighbor Gifts

Give a "neighbor gift" that is UNIQUE and tailored to YOUR neighbors and neighborhood. For one price you can 'gift' everyone in your neighborhood something that will give the gift of FUN and FAMILY BONDING!

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Discovery Hunts

Choose a Discovery Hunt for everything from birthday and graduation parties to educational and 'Just Because' family outings.

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Family Reunion Hunts

Bring the whole family together from all over the country, or right next door, for a holiday reunion that will help everyone be 'together' while staying apart!

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Santa Notes

Let Santa send your kids a personalized Christmas card telling them how special they are. It just might motivate them to be 'nice' all month long!

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Choose an option below and you can run aMaZiNg PTA/PTO/School programs AND support prevention efforts at the same time!



Every Day Strong

EveryDay Strong is a United Way program that provides a helpful set of guidelines and fun, interactive activities for adults to use with their children to raise resilient kids

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Disagree Better & Civility Index

The Disagree Better initiative is an effort to demonstrate that Americans can work through their differences to find solutions to complex problems facing states and the nation.

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Guiding Good Choices

Guiding Good Choices gives families information and tools that work to protect preteens and teens from the inevitable risks they encounter as they become more independent.

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SHARP Survey

The Utah Student Health and Risk Prevention (SHARP) survey is the most comprehensive source of information on the challenges and opportunities our youth face.

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40 Developmental Assets

Fun, interactive experiences for families to develop Search Institute's building blocks of healthy development to help young people grow up healthy, caring, & responsible.

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Inhalant Prevention

Mind Matters & Utah Poison Center adventures explore how inhalants affect your brain, body, & life and helps families explore this important topic together through fun activities.

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Bullying Prevention

Kindness Hunts, Disagree Better curriculum and the civility index. We provide a variety of Discovery Hunts focused on promoting kindness, preventing bullying and teaching civility.

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Vaping (eCig) Prevention

CATCH My Breath adventures empower kids and their parents with knowledge and skills needed to make informed decisions about e-cigs & resist social pressures to vape.

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🎗️ Green Ribbon Week 🎗️ Pedestrian Safety

Held during the first few weeks of school, this Ribbon Week ensures that students know how to get to and from school safely, and how to get around town on foot!

🎗️Yellow Ribbon Week🎗️ Suicide Prevention

Suicide Prevention starts with kindness and helping students know how to watch for and help each other

🎗️ BLUE Ribbon Week 🎗️ Bullying Prevention

Help kids and parents alike learn about bully prevention and how to help create a safe school environment for everyone.

🎗️ Red Ribbon Week 🎗️ Drug Safety

Let's get the conversation going between parents and kids about the advantages of staying drug free

🎗️ White Ribbon Week 🎗️ Online Safety

Help kids and parents alike learn important online safety skills.

🎗️ Neon Ribbon Week 🎗️ Bike Safety

Help students learn bike safety so that they can ride to and from school safely, or all over town!

🎗️ Green Ribbon Week 🎗️ Mental Health Awareness

Students and their families learn to use a SELFIE to protect their mental health

Your Own Personalized School Hub

Build Strong School to Home connections with a personalized school Hub just for your school.



Homeschoolers . . . you can have your own personalized hub for an entire year along with a variety of ready-made contect






Another option for supporting prevention with dollars you are planning to spend anyway:


CLICK HERE to send out your Holiday greetings and support prevention in the process