Healthy, strong family relationships are foundational to young people’s growth, learning, and well-being.


These relationships build strong social and emotional strengths that kids use throughout their lives.


But great family relationships don’t just happen..


Welcome to My Discovery Destination!

Discovery Family Adventures

where your family can find plenty of opportunities to


The Discovery Family Adventures provide ideas, activities, and experiences to help build strong family relationships.


Our goal is to strengthen family relationships to help kids be and become their best selves

and to support parents in raising happy, successful, resilient kids in an exciting,

but sometimes turbulent and dangerous world.

Core Adventures are still available via the website for use by anyone that wants them, but everyone is encouraged to use the Discovery Hunt (Goosechase) App for hundreds of adventures throughout the year.


Get links for downloading the App HERE.

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Choose from the Adventures listed below


(or design your own family adventure!)


Create Your Future

Family Adventure

GOAL:  Learn about vision boards and how they can impact your life.


The ADVENTURE:  Have each family member create their own vision board.




Let each child choose where to hang their vision board


  Ask them about their vision board, and listen to what they say. Be present! Hear them!


Support them in their goals. For example, if they have put music on their vision boards, do what you can to support their dreams in music. If they have learning coding on their boards, help them find some resources to learn it and give them some free time for it.


Notice the things they put on their vision board in a positive way. If a teenager puts a picture of Switzerland on their vision board comment on how beautiful the picture is and that you can see why they chose that.


  BE POSITIVE! Avoid sending any kind of message that what they have put on their vision board is unrealistic or stupid. Focus on the positive side of it and what they will need to do to make it happen. For example, if a child puts a picture of an NBA player on their vision board take time to find out what it represents to the child. If it represents to them that they want to be an NBA player you might say something like, "You would really love that, wouldn't you? NBA players have to really work hard to get to that level of the game, and I know you are a really hard worker. I'll do everything I can to be at your games as much as possible!"  That way you acknowledge that it will take a lot of work and that they are capable of putting in that much work, and then you leave it on them. There is nothing about it that indicates a belief that they can't do it.







A vision board is a concrete representation of your desires and aspirations. They are fun to create and can serve as an invaluable tool to motivate and inspire you towards concrete daily action in pursuit of your biggest and most important life goals.



One of our Adventure Partners has created a wonderful blog about vision boards, so we'll let them take the lead on this one.  You can learn more HERE.



Pre-K Adventure

Let little ones choose pictures that they like from magazines, brochures and even websites. There is no need to get too specific-- this will be a great opportunity to learn about your kids




Community Engagement Adventure

Ready to get your friends and community involved?


Organize a 'Vision Board' party (or do-it-from-home day to be covid-safe!) and encourage others in your circle of influence to create their vision board.


  Provide an opportunity for friends, family and others in your neighborhood to share their Vision Board. This can be done in-person, if safe, giving each person 2-3 minutes to share their vision board and tell why they chose the pictures and phrases they did. It can also be held in an online meeting room if needed for appropriate social distancing.


Plan a 'Come As Your Vision' party. This is an event where everyone comes dressed as, and in character, for their vision. For example, if someone's vision includes being an author they come with a 'book' in their hands and 'autograph it' for everyone they meet at the party (they can put a fake cover on a different book to represent theirs); if their vision includes being an Olympic athlete they come in their athletic uniform armed with stories of their Olympic adventures. Everyone takes on the role of what their vision is and enjoys a fun evening of socializing with each other-- a room full of visionaries living their vision!



Teen Adventure

Encourage your Teens to choose a medium that works best for them-- drawing, pictures, computer . . . whatever feels right for them.




Photo Location

Take a picture of your vision boards and post it to your social media sites with the hashtags #Vision2021

by Vision Boards

NOTE: If the Adventures don't show up find them at

Not sure how the Discovery Family Program works?



Discovery Family Program How-To Visual


My Discovery Destination! Adventures

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for the purpose of


Send an email to if you would like to learn how we can bring a wide variety of FUN and educational LIVE EVENTS to your community!