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Please note, this is list is to print, and is not interactive. To track/see your progress, visit your profile!
Adventure Title Adventure Partner Done?
Work, Play, Craft or Drive Through Fall Leaves! ▢*
Baking with Apples ▢*
Fall Frolic Fun! Fall Leaves! ▢*
Free Fish Day Fishing ▢*
Halloween Treats Cook Together ▢*
Woodworking Building with Wood ▢*
Develop New Talents ▢*
Appreciating Poetry ▢*
Learn From Mistakes ▢*
Work & Responsibility ▢*
Outside of the Comfort Zone ▢*
Growth Mindset Got Grit? ▢*
Growth Mindset Words Matter ▢*
Growth Mindset Try New Things ▢*
Building a Home Library ▢*
Create a Makerspace ▢*
Make It Happen! I Have a Dream! ▢*
Creations Origami ▢*
Night Time Games Flashlight Fun ▢*
Let's Celebrate the Arts ▢*
Space Exploration ▢*
Define Your Center ▢*
HUGE Impact Simple Acts. ▢*
Move More Month Family Fitness ▢*
Virtual Tours Visit a Museum! ▢*
A Key Life Skill Public Speaking ▢*
Kids in Charge Healthy Habits: ▢*
Facts About Vaping Catch My Breath ▢*
My Little Free Library ▢*
Camping! Outdoor Fun ▢*
Fall Sports GAME ON ▢*
Money Smart Kids Shopping ▢*
Basic First Aid Emergencies: ▢*
Reduce - Reuse Recycle It! ▢*
Get to Know You Write Your Story ▢*
Cold & Flu Beat the Bug! ▢*

My Discovery Destination! Adventures

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Send an email to Sharilee@MyDiscoveryDestination.com if you would like to learn how we can bring a wide variety of FUN and educational LIVE EVENTS to your community!