Healthy, strong family relationships are foundational to young people’s growth, learning, and well-being.


These relationships build strong social and emotional strengths that kids use throughout their lives.


But great family relationships don’t just happen..



Welcome to My Discovery Destination!

Discovery Family Adventures

where your family can find plenty of opportunities to


The Discovery Family Adventures provide ideas, activities, and experiences to help build strong family relationships.


Our goal is to strengthen family relationships to help kids be and become their best selves

and to support parents in raising happy, successful, resilient kids in an exciting,

but sometimes turbulent and dangerous world.

Core Adventures are still available via the website for use by anyone that wants them, but everyone is encouraged to use the Discovery Hunt (Goosechase) App for hundreds of adventures throughout the year.


Get links for downloading the App HERE.

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Choose from the Adventures listed below


(or design your own family adventure!)


Family Adventure

It’s time for a summer campout . . . in the back yard!!


Work with Mom and Dad to choose:

  • the night
  • the accommodations (do you have a tent, will you build a tent from blankets, will you sleep on the trampoline, etc.)
  • the FOOD! (What’s a campout without food!?!)
  • the entertainment (will everyone do a skit? will you read bedtime stories? Be sure to include the whole family!)


This night is all about being with your family to CREATE and CAPTURE Memories! Be creative and have fun with it!




Pre-K Adventure

It’s time for a summer campout . . . in the back yard!!


Work with Mom and Dad to choose:

  • the night
  • the accommodations (do you have a tent, will you build a tent from blankets, will you sleep on the trampoline, etc.)
  • the FOOD! (What’s a campout without food!?!)
  • the entertainment (will everyone do a skit? will you read bedtime stories? Be sure to include the whole family!)


This night is all about being with your family to CREATE and CAPTURE Memories! Be creative and have fun with it!




Community Engagement Adventure

It’s time to take your backyard campout to a whole new level . . . and YOU are in charge (with approval and assistance from Mom and Dad, of course!)


Now that you’ve had some fun with your basic backyard campout, get ready to take what you experienced, add in your creativity, and plan another backyard campout with a little extra . . . . well . . . that’s the part that’s the Super Achiever level! YOU get to decide what the little extra is.


Think about your first backyard campout and answer these questions:


  • What worked really well?
  • What didn’t work out so well?
  • When it was all said and done, what do you wish you had done differently?
  • What could you do to make it different?
  • What could you do to add a little fun? A little flair?


This adventure is all about evaluating your experience and using your creativity and imagination to take somthing to the next level. Involve the whole family in getting feedback, lead out in brainstorming and imagining how it could be even better, and most of all . . . HAVE FUN with it!




Teen Adventure

It’s time to for your creativity to kick in and take backyard camping to a whole new level.


  • Is that good old fashioned camping in the backyard?
  • Does it look more like 'glamping'?
  • Is it camping with a theme?Here is what you do:
  • Use the guidelines from the ‘Basic’ Adventure to plan a summer backyard campout with your family.
  • Follow the guidelines in the ‘Super Achiever’ adventure to evaluate your first campout and plan a second campout to take it to the next level, but here’s a twist just for TEENS!


Make this second backyard campout an event with your extended family wherever they live. Contact your older siblings, or cousins, or whoever is family to you and encourage them to join you for a backyard campout by camping out in THEIR backyard on the same night!


You can use this opportunity to teach your parents your tech savvy skills by bringing everyone together all across the state or country using face time or google hangouts or whatever platform works best for your family to go camping 'TOGETHER' while far apart. The goal is to ‘be together’, share some time and fun with each other, even if the miles between you seem to separate. Show your family that even distance can’t stop you from CREATING and CAPTURING Memories!




Photo Location

Take a groupie of you and your family at your backyard campout and post it to your social media sites using the hashtags #BackyardBBQ and #MyDiscoveryDestination

by Backyard Campout

NOTE: If the Adventures don't show up find them at

Not sure how the Discovery Family Program works?



Discovery Family Program How-To Visual



My Discovery Destination! Adventures

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Send an email to if you would like to learn how we can bring a wide variety of FUN and educational LIVE EVENTS to your community!